Monday, March 19, 2012

Major Project 7 - Design Considerations

1. The way it is identified that a player has completed a level and is ready to proceed to the next level is expressed through the words "You Win!" When those pop up on screen you know you may click the "Continue" button and move on to the next level.

2. The objects can be combined in more ways as the levels progress. The more objects there are on screen, the more combinations there could be. I do not think that there should be any constraint put on the amount of possible combinations in higher levels because in life there are many solutions to one problem, so why limit a game's solutions? I believe that the fun factor of a game is not limited by multiple solutions, if anything it increases the fun factor because you can play many times and try many different ways to win in a more efficient manner. Multiple tries and "re-playability" of a game creates more fun. I think that the game should use a variation of mechanics as the levels progress in order to avoid being too repetitive and therefore increasing the fun factor of the game. Anything to repetitive can be very boring,

3. I think that that the unexpected should occur because it creates more interest for the player and avoids too much repetition in the game which could make it boring. I think throwing some curveballs in a game as levels become harder, could add fun, interest, as well as create a challenge for the player.

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